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Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault


Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
PUBLISHING: Norma Editorial

Book - Harry Potter: The Creature Vault

SKU 978-84-679-1689-8

Dementors and House-elves, merpeople and Chinese Fireball Dragons—these are just a few of the magical creatures and frightening monsters populating J. K. Rowling's wizarding world. Harry Potter: The Creature Vault is a fascinating look at how this menagerie was brought to life for the blockbuster Harry Potter film series. Detailed profiles of each creature include rare concept illustrations, behind-the-scenes photography, and filmmaking secrets from the Warner Bros. archive. A removable poster picturing each of the creatures and an interactive Eeylops Owl Emporium catalog complete this

€ 39,95 € 37,95 (VAT included)
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