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Pop! Keychain: Fortnite - Havoc

Pop! Keychain: Fortnite - Havoc

SKU 36972

Do you prefer to throw yourself into the battle with guns blazing or camp out in the bushes waiting for your enemies to eliminate each other? Are you the first or last player off the Battle Bus? Is solso, duos or squads more your style? Whatever your battle strategy happens to be, there’s one thing gamers can agree on: Fortnite is awesome. Sink your teeth into victory with Fortnite Pop! Keychains including Dark Vanguard, Tricera Ops, Raven, Sparkle Specialist, Burnout, Havoc, Zoey, Valor, Ragnarok and Drift.


WARNING: the dates of availability of pre-sale products are provided by the distribution companies and can be modified.

€ 9,95 € 4,95 (VAT included)
Product in stock
Delivery in 24hs

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